
'We believe our society is indeed never a determinant of who or what we become'. 

The fact is, we are the determinant of our society, good or bad, however, what we make of it is what we become. The stories of people who rose from the slums and suburbs of  Bariga to become great men and women our nation and the world adore herein are true stories, most of which are carried out by life interviews and one on one personal experience with them. If you happen to be one of those who rose from Bariga and you are one eccentric and influential person in any major today and you love to share your story with the world about your experience in the said suburb, very well then, this blog is the right place for you to share those thoughts. These stories you share with us to put up here are to serve as words of encouragement to others in Bariga who are aspiring to become great but have come undone and given up on their dreams to think nothing less of themselves by letting them know dreams don't die and everything is always possible to a persistent mind.

We also bring to cognizance those with exceptional skills and talent from the suburbs and slums, showcasing them to our immediate environment, the states, and the world at large through the power of the internet and our various social media handles. My apologies as I put this statement that follows in literal terms like I am not exempted from the same suburb, in which I also grew. 'Na bad name spoil the place, no be the people spoil'. Although Bariga is known for so many ills, most of its low level life residents became natural-born hustlers, worked at the most menial job, took total responsibility for their lives, and built themselves up to get to the point where they are today; self-sufficient and influential. Every threat to opportunities they had encountered was met with resistance, putting them in a position to realize their dreams in a matter of some years and made them millionaires.

For more information, and or you have a 'Bariga Story' of yours to share you can get in touch with us by sending an email to ilebariga@gmail.com 

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